Wednesday, 18 July 2007


many people are interested in our project, they all like to help/involve.

We first like to thank some of them:

-Spencer, Nick and Pen
-Johan from iThink
-Alice and CCtang from PolyU
-our voice-over Athens
-Kyle from OneRedPaperClip
-Marko from Slovenia
-Thu from South Korea

More will be coming, stay tuned!

Nick Lim said...

hey apollo, set up your very first cam!!

ApolloTeam said...

we are working on it, sorting out some technical problems.

Anonymous said...

bonjour bonjour!
It's a great idea.
But how can you shoot the sunrises on the oceans? Contact Oil platforms?
Like you said there are still some problems to solve.
Wish you guys could make it!

ApolloTeam said...

Merci Merci!
this is a good question and we might try to only make it on land.
But it is really nice to see your reply and suggestion!
Do you think you could help us as well?

Nick Lim said...

the voice over talent's name is athens.